Dear Friends,
We are millions of men and women of all ages, from all over the world and all walks of life, who have found a way to live without alcohol.
The American Medical Association has defined excessive drinking as a progressive, fatal disease named alcoholism. It is incurable but can be treated successfully by following the simple program of Alcoholics Anonymous.
The first and most important step is to admit to yourself that alcohol is causing you a problem.
If you or someone you know has a drinking problem call the New York Inter-Group Association of A.A. (212) 647-1680.
Thank you for your interest in Alcoholics Anonymous.
Throughout District 620 website you will find links to A.A. information.
Best wishes, from all of the A.A. groups in District 620.
Note: this is not a New York Inter-Group Association of A.A. or AAWS Website.